CV denotes Curriculum Vitae which includes a small briefing about a particular individual. While going to any interview for job, CV is the mirror image of the concerned person to evaluate. As we know First Impression Lasts Long so CV should be in a perfect and proper format including the required details excepting the redundant things. Let us discuss what should and should not be in a CV.
What should be in a perfect CV?
--Always begin your CV with name and contact details which should include your postal address, phone number and email id for the future reference if a company needs it.
--Write an appealing career brief which should include your skills, attitude, knowledge and experience.
--One important thing is focusing on your work experience, responsibilities and achievements which are very much needed for an experienced person and it should include the details about the company, your designation, and work responsibility.
--The CV should show all the details related to your educational background and achievement as a fresher.
--Apart from above, a perfect CV should contain your extra curricular activities, interests, and hobbies.
--The fonts in your CV should be of Verdana-10 while the Verdana-12 for the heading or use any other similar font.
--More significantly the content should be in simple sentence format and grammatically error free.
What should not be in a perfect CV?
--Always try to avoid colorful or glossy paper with flashy fonts for CV.
--Better not to write as CV, Curriculum Vitae or Resume on the top of the page.
--Affix photographs if asked otherwise don’t do this.
--Don’t write these pronouns such as I, MY, HE or SHE while writing about your working profile like ‘I was working as a team leader for XYZ company etc’.
--Properly check the spelling and grammatical mistake before finishing the CV.
--Never ever give any untrue information in your CV which leads you to a miserable situation.